DXsoft Produkte / SeaTTY / Revisions-Geschichte (Version zum Drucken)
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PACTOR-1 FEC mode support was made.
At least PWZ-33 Brasilia station transmits weather warnings in this mode.
Some minor improvements and bug fixes were made.
A soundcard number can be above ten now.
It allows to connect two signal source to one soundcard.
The sampling rate can be 11025 (default), 22050, 44100 and 48000 samples per second.
This option can be useful to avoid soundcard driver bugs (some soundcard drivers work bad
at low sampling rates) or to connecting to digital sound source via virtual soundcard
without re-discretization.
UTC or local date and time of message starting are added in a bottom of saved message if this option is enabled.
The documentation was updated.
A minor bug in the slant correction procedure was fixed.
Previously received and saved HF-FAX image can be opened by
Auto start/stop method in HF-FAX mode is rewritten.
A command
A button FastD (fast decoding from file) was made.
1000 Hz deviation is supported in HF-FAX and RTTY modes now.
A minor bug with working frequency saving (if AFC is switched on) is fixed.
Maximum number of RTTY/NAVTEX Station ID filter items is increased to 32.
Filter for GMDSS DSC message format was made.
Some minor improvements were made.
More settings for colors of spectrogram and oscillogram windows were made.
Options for tuning auto start / auto stop parameters of FAX mode were made. See
Message filename shows time of message start, not time of message end now.
A bug was fixed - a message with station ID in filename couldn't be really deleted by Delete command.
The documentation was updated.
Some issues occurred under Windows Vista were fixed.
Default working directory of software is located in
GMDSS DSC (Digital selective-calling system) HF and VHF messages decoding was made.
Station ID's of RTTY and NAVTEX messages are included in message filenames and are shown in the message tree now.
The Setup menu was rewritten.
Station ID filter was made. This filter allow to select messages which should be automatically saved in NAVTEX and RTTY modes. Station ID is four letters after ZCZC sequence.
The Shift menu can be used to select normal deviation (800 Hz) or narrow deviation (300 Hz) in the
The Setup > Clear Rx Window Once a Day option was made.
Invisible buffer is not used now. Receiving window contains all received symbols until it is manually cleared.
Some internal changes were made.
Minor bugs in text displaying were fixed.
Minor improvements of raw log files handling were made.
NOAA Weather Radio SAME messages decoding was made. Voice messages are automatically saved to wave-files (5 min maximum), SAME headers of a messages are saved to text files.
User can select a soundcard by
The documentation was updated.
Some minor bugs were fixed.
Soundcard handling was rewritten to avoid synchronization losses during FAX receiving.
A number of unprocessed buffers (UpB) is shown in the status line in place of number of free buffers (FrB) now.
A bug was fixed. The program start was failed if setup was saved with OnTop button pressed.
The Start/Stop button was made to start or stop message receiving manually in RTTY or NAVTEX mode.
The File > Open Wave Capture File command opens wave-file to save all
sound received from soundcard. File is closed by the
A frequency ruler was made.
The Setup > Use UTC time option was made.
Different icons in the message tree indicate different file types (texts and images) now.
FAX images are saved in PNG format now.
M- and M+ buttons on the main form change preview image scale now.
A bug was fixed. The slant correction parameter was read wrong from ini-file if a system used comma as decimal separator.
The documentation was updated.
Minor changes in FAX
M- and M+ buttons was made to change image scale in the FAX receiving window.
AFC has two parameters now.
The first parameter is local deviation in hertzs, i.e. maximal deviation from current frequency.
Second parameter is global deviation in hertzs, i.e. maximal deviation from last user-selected frequency.
User-selected frequencies are shown at spectrogram by short red lines .
A problem with FAX synchronization losing while image scrolling was fixed.
If start tone is found during image receiving, SeaTTY saves image and starts new image receiving now.
RTTY and NAVTEX decoders were rewritten. Decoding quality was vastly improved.
The documentation was updated.
SeaTTY tries to find phasing lines and to detect LPM speed during 20 seconds after manual start.
The program saves central frequencies for RTTY, NAVTEX and FAX separately.
Auto S. button was made to enable/disable auto start/stop of FAX receiving.
SeaTTY can decode signals from a WAVE-file now. See the
Saved images preview was made.
AFC works in FAX mode now (during
Squelch prevents auto-start at noise in FAX mode now.
User can select LPM and IOC for manual start now.
SeaTTY can receive HF-FAX now.
A problem with scrolling of received symbols window was fixed. The window is not scrolling down now by received symbol if the last string is not visible.
AFC was remade. It works properly at fast AFC speed now.
You can open raw log file in Notepad
You can delete selected message or all messages for selected date by click on Delete key.
To reduce chance to miss message for noise SeaTTY starts to write message if at least three symbols of ZCZC signature is received.
The Setup > Dont Save SYNOP Messages option was made.
To open message file in editor, make
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